SOUNDMATE 是一組為分隔兩地生活的家人、情侶或朋友設計的成對產品。透過程式運算將生活環境的聲音轉換為動態的數位視覺圖像,並呈現在對方的顯示螢幕上,藉由分享彼此聲景與傳遞聲音的實體互動,以遠端、低調的方式形成兩人關懷陪伴的連結。
SOUNDMATE is specially designed for couples or families who are not able to see each other every day. The sound from their living spaces would be converted to real-time audio visualization displaying on the screen through programming. By sharing the visualization and sending voice messages with the microphone, SOUNDMATE provides a remote and privacy-keeping way to maintain the relationship between you and your significant other.


#sound 聲音

Sound creates a sense of immersion in the environment, and the audio visualization becomes a container for abstract feelings.


#emotion 情感

Everyone has their interpretation of different tones of colors. The process of conveying messages with colors makes the product enhance personal characteristics and increase the sense of belonging. The meaning of the color can be a tacit understanding between two users, such as emotional feelings, occurrences, and so on.


#transformation 轉化

只讓視覺可見卻無法聽見對方環境聲音的產品表現形式,賦予虛無飄渺的聲音元素一個載體,形成了用視覺感官去感受聲音的互動方式, 同時維持使用者的隱私。
The expression form that allowing the visualization but unable to hear the environmental sound of the other party, being as a carrier of the abstract sound element. Create an interactive way to feel the sound with visual senses while maintaining the privacy of the user.


SOUNDMATE 分為「壁掛顯示幕」與「傳聲筒」兩部件。兩端使用者各自擁有一組聲音視覺畫框與傳聲筒進行互動,並透過網路雲端傳輸兩端數據。顯示幕將時刻接收並同步顯示對方所在地的即時聲景狀態,透過觀察視覺的變化,就如同感受到和對方身處在同一環境中,也因此每一次注視畫面帶來的感受都是獨一無二的。而只讓視覺可見卻無法聽見對方環境聲音的產品表現形式,賦予虛無飄渺的聲音元素一個載體,形成了用視覺感官去感受聲音的互動方式,同時維持使用者的隱私。
There are two parts of the product, "FRAME" and "CUP", connecting via the wifi signal. SOUNDMATE will collect the ambient sound of the other user then convert it into live dynamic soundscapes. By observing the changes in visualization, users could feel accompanied by one another in the same space. Transforming audio into visuality instead of hearing provides the product a mysterious and romantic presentation with privacy.

The Product I - FRAME

Frame 顯示幕是為遠距人們設計的連結窗口,可根據使用者的習慣與家居陳設選擇懸掛位置。顯示幕將不斷接收對方所在地的環境聲音,透過程式運算轉化成即時動態視覺圖像,看到對方的聲音痕跡。相對於直接聽到聲音,如此隱晦低調之轉化方式不僅維持雙方基本隱私,更增添了彼此情感連結的浪漫與神秘感。
The Frame, which is the displayer, is a connecting window designed for people who live in different places. Users could hang the Frame as their preferred location as home decoration. The screen will continuously receive the ambient sound from the other party's environment, transform it into real-time dynamic visual graphics through aesthetic computing. It allows the users to see the other party's sound traces of their lives. Compared to hearing the voice directly, such a subtle and low-key transformation not only maintains the privacy of both parties but also creates a sense of romance and mystery to their emotional connection.

Audio Visualization  

There are various modes to choose from, such as sound clock, ink painting, and soundscape. All the dynamic graphics are forming by audio visualization with time accumulation.

Product Details

Internal Components

The Product II - CUP

如有實際的訊息想傳達給對方, 可使用傳聲筒進行聲音的傳遞。使用者可根據提示燈與顏色推測可能的聲音情緒或內容。透過拿起傳聲筒進行傳聲或接聽訊息,放下傳聲筒即可結束傳聲或接聽。而轉動傳聲筒上的轉輪則可賦予傳遞的聲訊一個自訂的顏色,顏色代表的涵義可為使用者雙方彼此間的自訂默契,如當下情緒、事件等,而傳聲筒可將傳遞的聲音轉換為動態色光傳遞給對方,作為接受到訊息的提示燈。
The CUP is a transmitter among users, allowing users to send voice messages with audio records and visualization. The receiver could speculate the moods and content of the voice message by dynamic notification light. Pick up the CUP to start recording/ receive messages, hang it up to stop recording/ stop listening. Give the audio message color mark by rotating the wheel on the CUP. The color might represent your current feeling or a tacit understanding of both parties. The transmitter would transform the soundwave into dynamic lights, sending it to the other party as an indicator light of receiving messages.

Interaction Process

Product details

Internal Components


SOUNDMATE 以「共同擁有的情感型物件」的角色維繫使用者雙方的情感,平時可成為家飾的一部分,但因為對對方的思念與關心,產品的存在相較於一般家具,又多了一層情感投射的意義,也增添了對方的存在感。SOUNDMATE 以數位藝術的形式為生活增添趣味,成為雙方分享日常的窗口。回頭一看,便發現遠方的那個人也在另一個空間一起生活著,並在你的世界裡也留下了痕跡。
As a role of emotion object, SOUNDMATE maintains the relationship between both users. Besides being a part of interior decoration, this product has an emotional projection because of the longing and care for each other. SOUNDMATE adapts digital art to enhance interest in life, becoming a window for both parties to share their daily lives. Take a glimpse of it, and you could see the significant other is right there with you. Their records of life will also leave traces in your world.


Previous Ideas & Sketches

Coding & Circuit (p5.js/ Arduino)

Prototype & User TestingFinal Model Making

Final Model Making

Photo & Film Shooting


陳勤旻| 概念發想、程式設計、數位藝術、機電整合
李宗唐| 概念發想、產品設計、視覺設計、影像攝影


2021 金點新秀設計獎 - 產品設計類 - 入圍
2021 Young Pin Design Award - Product Design - Finalist​​​​​​​

2021 臺灣國際學生創意設計競賽 - 產品設計類 - 入圍
2021 Taiwan International Student Design Competition - Product Design - Finalist

2021 澳門設計大獎 - 產品設計類 - 入圍
2021 Macau Design Award - Product Design - Finalist


Podcast Interview:

B&D Lab / 設計系·大學生

Eps.47【耳朵の新一代】設計師也要會Coding? 畢製與產學合作的差異




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